Documentation (External)

Documentation for a larger scope than JavaDoc on single code elements exists at some additional places:

  • Lots of the official documentation is contained in the engine wiki. Larger parts of this documentation have been adopted from the original wiki pages.
  • Some threads in the forum describe the ideas and architecture behind a special topic. It may require some digging but there is most likely an old thread with further information to a topic which is not part of this documentation.
  • Some modules and libraries like the gestalt library contain their own documentation.
  • Special topics are covered by tutorial modules which help to get started:
    1. Asset System - introduction to assets, e.g. creating a block.
    2. World Generation - introduction to the faceted world generation.
    3. NUI - introduction to NUI, the user interface which is used in the game.

Sphinx Documentation

The documentation from this page is based on the Sphinx documentation generator. All pages contain an “Edit on GitHub” link, which links back to the reStructuredText (rst) sources.


If you find pages missing, errors or outdated information, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue at the repository.

The following section gives a short overview over the used syntax and some internal conventions.

Directory Structure

The sources are structured in own directories, relating to the sidebar navigation. Larger subtopics are structured in separate subfolders. Each folder contains a .rst file with the same name, containing the headline and a table of contents for the folder. Images and other resources are located in a folder next to the file which uses the resource.


Sphinx can handle nested tables of contents and documents. Therefore each document can start with a main headline at the begin.

We use === for headlines, --- for sections and ~~~ for subsections. If a deeper intendation is required, it could make sense to split the document and create a nested structure of smaller documents instead.




Code Snippets

Short inline code can be added via the :code:`<code>` directive.

Longer snippets can be added as code blocks, like so:

.. code-block:: java

   public static void main(String[] args){...}

Which would result in the following code snippet:

public static void main(String[] args){...}