Block Definition

Block data can be defined on four locations, all inside the assets folder:

  1. blocks contains the block definitions. All files in this folder should have a .block extension. Block definitions are limited to a number of properties. See Block Attributes for a complete list.
  2. blockTiles contains the block tile textures. The textures should be in the .png format with a size of 16x16.
  3. shapes contains special shapes for blocks with a unique model. Files in this folder should have a .shape extension. See Block Shapes for a full reference on how to generate these files from blender.
  4. prefabs can be used to define extra behavior for blocks via prefabs. Files in this folder should have a .prefab extension. Everything which can not be defined in the .block file should be defined here. In most of the cases, this will be Components and their initial values. Think about a spike component on a cactus block, which defines how many damage you will take if you touch the block.