
Modules are extensions/modifications to the engine. A Terasology module is a java project on it’s own, which is resolved similar to a library an lives in it’s own sandboxed environment. The module system is implemented the gestalt module library.

Structure of Modules

  • /src - actual source code for custom functionality goes here. Usually this will be custom components and systems which extend the Entity System.
  • /assets - Resources related to the module can be placed here and will be located by the Asset System. Sub-categories for assets like prefabs or block definitions are structured in sub-directories.
  • /deltas and /overrides - Modification directories for existing assets. These mechanics are described at TutorialAssetSystem/Deltas-and-Overrides.
  • build.gradle - internal build file, should not be edited.
  • module.txt - Configuration file for the module, similar to a maven pom.xml or gradle build file. Have a look at the module.txt section for details.


Definition file for a module, using JSON syntax. The following properties are supported:

  • id - the internal identifier of the module.
  • version - the version of the module, versions are stored in the format MAJOR.minor.patch(-SNAPSHOT) (see Versioning for details).
  • author - the author(s) of the module, could be any string. Default are single names or comma-separated lists.
  • displayName - the name of the module which is shown ingame to the user.
  • description - a textual description, what the module contains and how it affects the game.
  • dependencies - a list of dependencies, which are mappings to other modules with a given version. Each dependency has the following properties:
    • id - The id of the dependent module.
    • minVersion - The minimum version of the dependent module (inclusive).
    • maxVersion - The maximum version of the dependent module (exclusive).
    • optional - If the dependency is optional. A module with optional dependencies should work, even if the optional dependencies are not available when the user starts a game.
    • serverSideOnly - A boolean, indicates if the module should only be available on the server and not on the client. Such modules are not downloaded by a client when he connects to a server.
    • isGameplay - A boolean, indicates if the module should appear in the list of gameplay modules. Typically, such modules contain little logic or assets themselves but bundle other modules together.
    • defaultWorldGenerator - The id of the default world generator [1] which should be activated with the module.

Have a look at the NeoTTA/module.txt or other modules in the Terasology organization as examples.

[1]See @RegisterWorldGenerator for details.


The common namespace for a module is org.terasology.<nameOfTheModule>.*. It is recommended to name source packages accordingly, otherwise modules may not be built or loaded as expected. [2]

[2]See #2445 for more details.


The Modules Guide delivers further information about fetching and creating modules, dependencies and the sandbox environment.